Simple Estate Planning Can Protect Your Loved Ones
Take time today for proper estate planning, don't lose your life's work to poor planning.
Drawing up a last will and testament can be a scary, frustrating time in your life. The Law Office of Damie F. Carter, PLLC can help you and your family.
Call the office at 276-346-3797 to schedule your initial estate planning consultation.
Make this important phone call to help alleviate concerns for your future. Talk to Damie Carter and have a discussion about keeping your legacy intact. Failure to plan can be a critical mistake when it comes to passing along your legacy. If you leave it to the court to decide, your wishes will most likely go unfulfilled. Help your family avoid costly probate, inheritance taxes, and other estate-related fees.
Powers of attorney are very important documents for your protection. Planning now prevents your family from the experience of costly litigation. Advance medical directives also take the burden away from your loved ones in a medical situation. Call today to schedule an appointment.